For more detailed information regarding side effects, please refer to the appropriate product monograph.

  • Infusion-related reactions – sometimes can be managed with pre-medications, IV fluids, or lengthening infusion duration.
  • Increased risk of serious infection (sepsis and pneumonia), invasive fungal infections and viral infections; approximately 10% increased risk at wk 54. Reactivation of latent TB.
  • Can worsen pre-existing CHF.
  • Lupus-like reaction (rare).
  • Anti-TNF–induced psoriasis
  • Hepatocellular damage, hepatitis, jaundice, autoimmune hepatitis; reactivation of HBV.
  • Potential increased risk of malignancy (lymphoma, hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma, melanoma, and NMSC); increased frequency when used in combination with a thiopurine.
  • Numbness and tingling in legs, arms, etc.
  • Change in vision, weakness in leg, dizziness.